Thursday, May 30, 2024

A short hike through the woods

 Hey all, Mitch here. Today's walk took us from Triacastela to Sarria. We actually had two different paths available. One went south a bit, stayed along roads, and was around 7 KM longer. It did go through the Monastary town of Samos, but as all of us much prefer dirt paths to walking along the road, we instead opted to take the northern path.

This route opened with a bit of a climb, but compared to the mountain we climbed up just two days ago, it was a far easier hike. Additionally, both on the way up and on the way down the state of the trail was quite good, which made for much easier walking.

As we get closer and closer to the coast, the flora we're walking by is definitely getting greener and more lush. We're even starting to regularly see moss, ferns, and ivy, which are great reminders of home.

In addition to great green trees, climbing up these hills also got us some great long views. Honestly the scenery since O Cebreiro has really been breathtaking, we've had much more clear long views than even the ones that we had in the Pyrenees.

At the end of the day we reached Sarria, the largest town that we've stayed in since León:

Since it was a shorter walk that some of the ones we've done recently, we were actually able to get into town by Noon, which gave us plenty of time to rest our feet, do some laundry, and get some tasty lunch. Getting closer and closer to the coast, Seafood is becoming more and more prevalent in the quisine. Given that we've been following road signs with scallop shells on them and have had scallop shells on our backpacks, it only seemed proper to get some to eat:

They were very tasty.

Now comes the final stretch, and since Sarria sits just over 100KM from Santiago, it's also the starting place for a lot of pilgrims. We've been seeing more and more pilgrim traffic over the last week, and expect to see an explosion of pilgrims starting tomorrow.

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