Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Long and Not Winding Road

Hey all, Mitch here again. Our walk today took us from our accommodations in Carrión De Los Condes to the equally entertainingly named Terradillos De Los Templarios. Spanish town names are often fun like these.

Much like yesterday, the walk today was like many on the Meseta: flat and straight. Today was at least an improvement over yesterday in that most of the flat walking was between two fields rather than right next to a road. After a while we did get past this section, had some delicious Paella in an Albergue at the end of the trail, and then walked some more miles along the road to get to our destination.

From the looks of things, we'll be next to the highway here for the next several days as we work our way into León, so in some ways this chance to walk away from civilization gave us a great chance to do some thinking as we trudged our way along.

One nice thing about today is that the path was actually pretty dry. After we got into our accommodations last night several thunder storms made their way through, so there was some concern that the trail would be muddy and stick to our boots. Luckily this ended up not being the case, and while we had to dodge puddles all day the trail itself was relatively dry.

The other big milestone for today is that we have officially made it to our halfway point! We can know going forwards that we'll always have less distance to cover than we already have.

I know that I usually have tried to work images into the middle of my posts, but this time around the internet is worse than usual, so I'll just attach what I can from my phone at the end here.

Also, one bonus picture that's actually from yesterday: while we were walking our surroundings looked too much like a particular old default windows background not to take a picture:

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