Sunday, May 5, 2024

Agricultural and Wind Farms - Day 6

Today's we said goodbye to Pamplona and walked about 21 kilometers, 13 miles to Puente la Reina. It took us some time to get out of the big city of Pamplona, population 200,000, but when we did, we were in beautiful farmland with various types of grains growing. It seemed interesting to me that the ground was very rocky but still had enough nutrients to grow the grains. 

Next the path climbed up ridge and we had a close up view of the wind farm. 

On top of the ridge is also a wrought iron sculpture of medieval pilgrims but it was over run with modern pilgrims, like us, so I did not get a close up picture of it. 

Then we headed down the other side of the ridge on to Puente la Reina.  Today’s temperature was in the lower 70’s, perfect hiking weather. As I am writing this post 6:30 PM Sunday’s night in our hotel room I am seeing and hearing a thunderstorm developing. 

Posted by: Kim

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