Monday, May 6, 2024

Walking through Navarre - Day 7

 Hi there, Mitch again. We're out of the city for real now, and simply walking across rural Navarre, A rainstorm last night left the trail quite wet, and as we've moved into a region with very clay soils, quite slippery as well.

To give you an idea of how wet it could be in places, you can see some of the early trails from today below:

Before we got to the real wet and muddy trails though, we had the pleasure of crossing one of the more well known landmarks of the Camino: The bridge at Puenta la Reina. It was cool to have a chance to cross over a bridge with such history, as it was originally constructed almost a thousand years ago for pilgrims on the very route that we are following. You can find some pictures of the bridge online, but I figured our blog wouldn't be complete withoug one of our own.

Aside from the architectual start and the mud, today was a pretty uneventful day. Mostly made up of rolling hills throgh agricultural lands. As we continue towards La Rioja, grape vines are becoming more and more prevalent in the farmlands that we walk through, though they remain somewhat uncommon at the point we've reached. Some of the towns that we moved through were quite compact, leaving the lands around undisturbed for farming. Pictured below is a view of the approach to the town of Cirauqui:

We also had the pleasure of walking with a young man from Australia named James for much of today. It was a nice change of pace to talk with someone from outside the group for a good portion of today's walk.

As an added bonus, have a nice picture of a cat we briefly met on our journey.
The long walk to Satiago continues, and we'll keep letting you know about the adventures and encounters along the way.

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