Monday, May 20, 2024

Nearing Leon

 Today was a moderate stage headed into León. We are in the Spanish state of Castilla y León. We have been in several provinces of Castilla y Leon, one of the largest states of Spain. First was La Rioja, and then Palencia and now  Leon. There are perhaps 10 provinces, but we won't see them all. La Rioja is famous for wine, Palencia for Grain and León for administration? All I know is it is mostly big city and they seem to run the show. Out in the country, it is sleepy and agricultural focused, but in Burgos and León, it is big city and government.

Our trail has been well marked and pretty empty. In the cities, however, the places to eat and stay are quite full. We have talked with many people who anticipated walking and then stopping in any city in a pilgrim's hostel and staying the night. In general, this is not working out for people so many are booking ahead and as a result, everything is booked up. We booked all last November, so we have no problems, but others are really struggling. The places for breakfast (desayuno) and dinner (La cena) are full even with multiple seatings. Lunch places on the camino and bars in the afternoon are pretty busy too. 

In the last week we have frequently had thunder storms in the afternoon. For us, it is after we are done (so far, knock on wood), but it drives us all together. It makes for very convivial gatherings in those albuergues that have a beer tap.

Today, we got our first views of the mountains of Galicia we will be tackling between here and Santiago and of León which appeared on the horizon and neared as we approached.

The view from our window in Mansilla de las Mulas.

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