Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Community of Walkers

 Today it’s Phil talking to you.

Our walk today was fairly short, taking us from Palas de Rei to Melide. The nearer we get to Santiago, the more people we encounter on the trail. It’s interesting that as we came into Melide in the early afternoon, the town was alive and full of pilgrims and traffic. As I write this at around 4:30PM, things are pretty calm. Some of this is the custom of late lunch and siesta time in the afternoon.

One thought that comes to mind frequently involves the WHY of each person’s Camino journey. Do people see the path as way to meet new people and foster social relationships? OR…Is the Camino a time for introspection, reflection, and being alone with your thoughts? Of course, the answer is “YES” to both.

Two vignettes from today.

Yesterday we we in a restaurant and a group of Spanish friends were at a long table. They were laughing, loud, raucous and having a great time. Today they are spread out over the trail and just having a moving party. We navigated around and through them like making our way through a big group hug.

Later, I passed two ladies engaged in conversation. I have no idea what they were talking about, but the snippet I heard was “It is what it is. But I’m a happier person now.”

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