Monday, June 3, 2024

Another short day

 Hey all, Mitch here. Today was the second part of our fourth "rest" day, which was comprised on one typically longer stage split into two short stages. As a result, we only walked about 9 miles from Melide to Arzúa. The terrain continues to be slightly hilly, forested with many trees (though especially Eucalyptus recently, which will always remind me of the California Bay Area), and well trailed.

Since the walk itself was short and fairly normal by our standards, we instead turned to a question that has been bothering us since we entered the Autonomous Community of Galicia: What the heck are these things that seem to be present in so many yards:

We have been seeing structures like this since entering Galicia, some made of Stone, some of Bricks, and some of Wood. Fortunately, Kim asked someone today and finally got us an answer: they're a sort of primitive refrigerator/icebox. The walls always have some gaps to allow airflow (which in winter would be plenty cold to preserve things), but are closed enough to keep animals out of whatever is stored in there. The real thing we learned from Kim's question is that they are illegal to remove in the AC of Galicia, which is probably why we have noticed them as much as we have.

At the end of the day, we got to settle in early at our accommodations here at the 1930 Boutique Hotel in Arzúa, have a nice relaxing afternoon, and enjoy a truly delicious dinner.

That's all from me, we have two more walking days left before we reach Santiago, so the next time you hear from me we'll all likely be back in the Seattle area.

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