Monday, May 13, 2024

The Rocky Road

 Today we moved from the small town of San Juan de Ortega to the bustling city of Burgos. A fair amount of the path was either rocky and craggy or near main roadways. We left a bit early since there is a possibility of rain tonight in Burgos. The good news is that we have a rest day tomorrow.

There seems to be many answers to the question: “Why are you walking the Camino?” Two anecdotes from today-  we met a British man that hadn’t been able to find lodging in San Juan so he had taken a cab to Burgos for a hotel. Then early this morning he took another cab back to San Juan so that he still walk that leg of the Camino. Another guy had hurt his knee at some point but had rented a mountain bike to finish the Camino walk.

Posted by Phil 

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